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Help please - I am trying to get the following exploration to work but it does not return results that indicate what I am searching for. Cross(Fml( "Rahul Mohindar Osc (RMO)"),0).The same formula works rmo atm iii The RMO ATM 3.0 featuring the PowerScreener is the latest trading solution from Rahul Mohindar. This premium suite of methodologies are engineered to help today’s trader with automated analysis and trade detection - now with enhanced price alerts! Rahul Mohindar Osc (RMO) for Metastock kaiji over 10 years ago Metastock Rating: 3 / 5 (Votes 2) Tags: oscillator, trading system, metastock. The Rahul Mohindar Oscillator (RMO) is a type of technical analysis developed by Rahul Mohindar of Viratech India. It detects trends in financial markets, and is designed to work on Open-High-Low-Close All other functions of the RMO ATM 3.0 will work in both MetaStock D/C and MetaStock R/T. About Rahul Mohindar. Rahul Mohindar is the director of Viratech Software and an active trader who appears regularly on CNBC India, CNN IBN, and CNBC Awaaz. Mr. Mohindar is a rising star among trading professionals. The Power of the MetaStock RMO - Part 1 MetaStock. Loading Unsubscribe from MetaStock? The RMO has been a great success story for MetaStock users worldwide, and there's no better way to
4 May 2017 The RMO has been a great success story for MetaStock users worldwide, and there's no better way to learn how to use a system than directly from 19 Jan 2016 In this brief introduction Rahul Mohindar introduces his latest add-on for MetaStock software – the RMO ATM 2.0 featuring the PowerScreener.